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Food Assistance for Asset Project

Sep 28, 2021
Beneficiaries 7000
Duration one year
Funding WFP
Implemented By BCHR
Targeting Hadhramaut

The Food Assistance for Asset project (FFA)in Hadramout governorate is designed to meet immediate food needs through cash transfers, while encouraging the construction or rehabilitation of assets that improve long-term food security and resilience

- Achieving sustainable solutions to improve livelihoods and face famine and poverty among poor families in vulnerable communities.

-Improving access to the natural and physical assets of the community, and using them by food insecure target communities.

- Increasing food productivity and facilitating access to food, markets, infrastructure and services.

- Supporting the ability and knowledge of community committees to manage natural and physical assets through (construction, use, maintenance).

- Improving food consumption by providing adequate financial aid to needy families

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