BCHR participated in the 4th Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum, organized by K.S.Relief, from February 24th to 25th.
The BCHR was represented by a delegation from its executive management, headed by Engineer Fahmi bin Mansour, CEO.
Through its dedicated pavilion at the accompanying exhibition, BCHR presented a selection of the projects and programs implemented over its ten-years history, in partnership with K.S.Relief and several local and international organizations.
The BCHR's pavilion received visits from officials and dignitaries, including Dr. Waed Badhib, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Dr. Qasem Buhaibeh, the Minister of Health, and Engineer Hassan Al-Attas, Assistant Supervisor General of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen. They expressed their admiration at the BCHR's relief and development efforts.
The forum aims to strengthen the integration between humanitarian work, development, and peace, and to open channels of communication between leaders, workers, and researchers. It also aims to discuss prominent opportunities and challenges to develop innovative, sustainable, and effective solutions in the field of humanitarian work.